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Xia Zhize
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Xia Zhize  

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| Practice qualification

Consultant/Attorney at Law / Trademark attorney



| Education

Bachelor of law, Jilin University; Master of law, Wuhan University.



| Practice experience and area

He has worked as a lawyer since 1989. He is mainly engaged in the settlement of various high-end intellectual property disputes, including trademark authorization and confirmation administrative cases, trademark infringement and unfair competition cases, well-known trademark litigation cases, patent infringement civil and administrative cases, copyright litigation and franchising and other intellectual property cases.



| Typical cases

Acting for a series of well-known trademark cases such as CITIC, nianci'an, Hermes / Hermes, Michelin / Michelin, ZIPPO / Zhibao, Kodak / Kodak, Dumex / Dumex, Clarins / Clarins, Aupres / opelle, and many cases were selected as typical cases of intellectual property protection of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Supreme Court.



| Social position

Expert of the expert advisory committee of the Beijing base of intellectual property cases of the Supreme Court, member of the intellectual property professional committee of the China Law Association, part-time professor of the master of Law School of China University of Political Science and Law, and graduate tutor of Jilin University. He has served as a member of the patent Committee and the competition of antitrust Legal Affairs Committee of the Beijing Law Association for many times.



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