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Cattle and geese
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Cattle and geese  

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| Practice qualification

legal practitioner



| Current position

Deputy manager and head of Legal Department of Guangzhou Zhongbei



| Educational background

Bachelor degree / Bachelor of Economics



| Working experience

He started working in 1997. Before joining Zhongbei, he had been engaged in legal affairs in listed companies and law firms for many years. He joined Zhongbei in 2003 and has rich experience in legal affairs such as intellectual property, anti unfair competition and civil and commercial litigation. In particular, he is familiar with legal affairs related to intellectual property litigation and non litigation business such as trademark confirmation, infringement disputes, copyright disputes and anti unfair competition. Typical cases, such as domestic famous lighting enterprises successfully acting as agents for trademark infringement, domain name disputes and compound litigation cases of enterprise name infringing on enterprise well-known trademarks of several infringing enterprises in Hong Kong, Zhejiang and other places, so as to obtain good litigation results for customers to stop using infringing brand names, transfer infringing domain names and stop the operation of Hong Kong infringing companies; As well as undertaking a number of well-known trademark recognition related trademark confirmation cases, and successfully realized the recognition.




| Social activities

Member of Guangdong Brand Research Association




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