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Partners of British and German firms visit BTA

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2019-10-14 14:08
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(Summary description)On October 12, 2019, Mr. Huw Evans and Ms. Yang Xuesong of ipey law firm in the UK and Mr. Michael sawodny of AKL law firm in Germany visited our company.
Mr. Huw Evans is a senior patent and trademark agent in Europe and the United Kingdom. He is familiar with British and European intellectual property rights. He has cooperated with North China for many years and has handled many difficult patent cases entering the European Union and the United Kingdom for our company.
Mr. mitchael sawodny of Germany is also an old friend who has cooperated with our company for many years. This visit has deepened our cooperative relationship.


Partners of British and German firms visit BTA

(Summary description)On October 12, 2019, Mr. Huw Evans and Ms. Yang Xuesong of ipey law firm in the UK and Mr. Michael sawodny of AKL law firm in Germany visited our company.
Mr. Huw Evans is a senior patent and trademark agent in Europe and the United Kingdom. He is familiar with British and European intellectual property rights. He has cooperated with North China for many years and has handled many difficult patent cases entering the European Union and the United Kingdom for our company.
Mr. mitchael sawodny of Germany is also an old friend who has cooperated with our company for many years. This visit has deepened our cooperative relationship.


  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-10-14 14:08
  • Views:

On October 12, 2019, Mr. Huw Evans and Ms. Yang Xuesong of ipey law firm in the UK and Mr. Michael sawodny of AKL law firm in Germany visited our company.
Mr. Huw Evans is a senior patent and trademark agent in Europe and the United Kingdom. He is familiar with British and European intellectual property rights. He has cooperated with North China for many years and has handled many difficult patent cases entering the European Union and the United Kingdom for our company.
Mr. mitchael sawodny of Germany is also an old friend who has cooperated with our company for many years. This visit has deepened our cooperative relationship.



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Release of typical cases of intellectual property administrative protection in 2020

Release of typical cases of intellectual property administrative protection in 2020

InordertothoroughlyimplementthedecisionanddeploymentoftheCPCCentralCommitteeandtheStateCouncilonComprehensivelyStrengtheningIntellectualPropertyProtection,guideandimprovethequalityandefficiencyofhandlingcases,effectivelydeterintellectualpropertyviolations,andactivelycreateagoodbusinessenvironment,duringtheNationalIntellectualPropertyPublicityWeekin2021,theStateIntellectualPropertyofficeissuedtypicalcasesofintellectualpropertyadministrativeprotectionin2020.  Aftercaseselection,onlinevotingandexpertreview,theStateIntellectualPropertyOfficefinallyselectedthetoptentypicalcasesofpatentadministrativeprotectionandtoptentypicalcasesoftrademarkadministrativeprotectionin2020.Amongthem,patentcasescoverthreetypesofpatents:invention,utilitymodelanddesign.Thetypesofcasesinvolveadministrativeadjudicationofpatentinfringementdisputes,investigationandhandlingofcounterfeitpatents,andmediationofdisputesoverpatentownershipandinventorqualification;Trademarkcasescovercommoditytrademarks,servicetrademarksandcollectivetrademarksofgeographicalindications.Thetypesofcasesinvolveinvestigatinganddealingwithillegalactssuchastrademarkinfringementandcounterfeiting,generalviolationsoftrademarksandinfringementofwell-knowntrademarks.Thesetypicalcasesarehighlyrepresentative,concernedandinfluential,showingtheachievementsChinahasmadeincomprehensivelystrengtheningintellectualpropertyprotection,givingfullplaytotheadvantagesofadministrativeprotection,effectivelydeterringillegalacts,continuouslyoptimizinginnovationandbusinessenvironmentinrecentyears.  Amongthetoptentypicalcasesannounced,the"Maiji"caseistheagencyofBTAGuangzhoucompany.Thiscaseisatypicalcaseoftrademarkintellectualpropertyprotectionin2020bytheStateAdministrationofmarketsupervision,thetoptentypicalcasesoftheStateIntellectualPropertyBureau,andthetoptentypicalcasesofcrossjudicialadministrativearbitrationandmediationofintellectualpropertyprotectioninGuangzhou.  https://www.cnipa.gov.cn/art/2021/4/27/art_2585_158895.html
發(fā)布時間 : 2021-04-28 點擊 : 0

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