Important tips on "patent document express delivery fraud"

(Summary description)


Recently, our bureau has received feedback from the public that many enterprises and patent agencies have received a delivery express mail called "patent book" mailed from the "intellectual property service center, Nanshan street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province", with a delivery amount of 25 yuan or 30 yuan. The content of the email is a tampered public notice of the State Intellectual Property Office.
This express has nothing to do with the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office. All kinds of official documents of the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office are mailed by registered mail, and the postage has been prepaid. The documents have never been delivered by express company.
Please let the public know the above information. In case of similar situation, please contact the agency office of the Patent Office of the local State Intellectual Property Office in time.
Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office
January 15, 2020

Important tips on "patent document express delivery fraud"

(Summary description)


Recently, our bureau has received feedback from the public that many enterprises and patent agencies have received a delivery express mail called "patent book" mailed from the "intellectual property service center, Nanshan street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province", with a delivery amount of 25 yuan or 30 yuan. The content of the email is a tampered public notice of the State Intellectual Property Office.
This express has nothing to do with the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office. All kinds of official documents of the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office are mailed by registered mail, and the postage has been prepaid. The documents have never been delivered by express company.
Please let the public know the above information. In case of similar situation, please contact the agency office of the Patent Office of the local State Intellectual Property Office in time.
Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office
January 15, 2020



Recently, our bureau has received feedback from the public that many enterprises and patent agencies have received a delivery express mail called "patent book" mailed from the "intellectual property service center, Nanshan street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province", with a delivery amount of 25 yuan or 30 yuan. The content of the email is a tampered public notice of the State Intellectual Property Office.
This express has nothing to do with the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office. All kinds of official documents of the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office are mailed by registered mail, and the postage has been prepaid. The documents have never been delivered by express company.
Please let the public know the above information. In case of similar situation, please contact the agency office of the Patent Office of the local State Intellectual Property Office in time.
Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office
January 15, 2020


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Release of typical cases of intellectual property administrative protection in 2020

Release of typical cases of intellectual property administrative protection in 2020

InordertothoroughlyimplementthedecisionanddeploymentoftheCPCCentralCommitteeandtheStateCouncilonComprehensivelyStrengtheningIntellectualPropertyProtection,guideandimprovethequalityandefficiencyofhandlingcases,effectivelydeterintellectualpropertyviolations,andactivelycreateagoodbusinessenvironment,duringtheNationalIntellectualPropertyPublicityWeekin2021,theStateIntellectualPropertyofficeissuedtypicalcasesofintellectualpropertyadministrativeprotectionin2020.  Aftercaseselection,onlinevotingandexpertreview,theStateIntellectualPropertyOfficefinallyselectedthetoptentypicalcasesofpatentadministrativeprotectionandtoptentypicalcasesoftrademarkadministrativeprotectionin2020.Amongthem,patentcasescoverthreetypesofpatents:invention,utilitymodelanddesign.Thetypesofcasesinvolveadministrativeadjudicationofpatentinfringementdisputes,investigationandhandlingofcounterfeitpatents,andmediationofdisputesoverpatentownershipandinventorqualification;Trademarkcasescovercommoditytrademarks,servicetrademarksandcollectivetrademarksofgeographicalindications.Thetypesofcasesinvolveinvestigatinganddealingwithillegalactssuchastrademarkinfringementandcounterfeiting,generalviolationsoftrademarksandinfringementofwell-knowntrademarks.Thesetypicalcasesarehighlyrepresentative,concernedandinfluential,showingtheachievementsChinahasmadeincomprehensivelystrengtheningintellectualpropertyprotection,givingfullplaytotheadvantagesofadministrativeprotection,effectivelydeterringillegalacts,continuouslyoptimizinginnovationandbusinessenvironmentinrecentyears.  Amongthetoptentypicalcasesannounced,the"Maiji"caseistheagencyofBTAGuangzhoucompany.Thiscaseisatypicalcaseoftrademarkintellectualpropertyprotectionin2020bytheStateAdministrationofmarketsupervision,thetoptentypicalcasesoftheStateIntellectualPropertyBureau,andthetoptentypicalcasesofcrossjudicialadministrativearbitrationandmediationofintellectualpropertyprotectioninGuangzhou.  https://www.cnipa.gov.cn/art/2021/4/27/art_2585_158895.html
發(fā)布時間 : 2021-04-28 點擊 : 0

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